CCFL Forum Small Group Dialogues
Abigail Trafford's thought-provoking presentation on finding pleasure and purpose in the bonus decades generated lively conversations among forum attendees participating in small group dialogues after the presentation. Asked to share memorable ideas from Trafford's presentation, dialogue participants cited themes ranging from language issues to planning for life transitions.
Language needs to be changed
Many participants spoke of the need to change language that perpetuates negative views of the capabilities of older adults, including rethinking the use of the term "senior." Among participant observations:
- Language with distinctions/stigmas needs to be changed, revisited and removed.
- While the word senior is not necessarily bad, baby boomers don't always want to be included as "seniors."
- Change retirement to rebirth, regenerate, reinvent.
Gift years
Many were intrigued with the concept of the bonus years as a new developmental stage, focusing more on growth and renewal than traditional retirement - aging as "gearing up, not winding down."
- We like the term "bonus years" - what a positive thing.
- Age as opportunity rather than "waiting for God."
Intergenerational works best
Trafford's observations on the value of intergenerational contact, both within families and in the community, resonated with many attendees.
- Some remarked on the benefits of four-generation families and their ability to provide more caregiving for the young and the old.
- Others saw opportunities for the older generation to mentor not only children but also "younger older adults."
- Several recognized the contributions of young people to the welfare of older people. "We need the younger generation to help and to understand," one attendee commented, while another said, "We need the energy of younger folks! The hope and the vision!"
People who give back are happier
Many forum participants talked about the role of leaving a legacy by helping others.
- Take inventory of what you have to offer and figure out how to do it.
- Leaving a legacy can be done in many ways - pictures, things, ideas, morals, help.
- Remain active - assist others if you can.
- Find your purpose.
Plan beyond the money
A recurring theme in the dialogue groups was the need to plan for this important life stage, with a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional financial planning to include "growth issues such as love, spirituality, and helping others" and developing resources to cope with transitions and losses.
- Look more at lifestyle changes, not just financial.
- Think more about transition - financial and emotional change, legacy to give back.
- Losses are major and minor (like the rest of life).
- Transforming the losses into new life.
- Looking forward to my own (my time) transition and preparing now.
- Having to plan for this next stage of life!
Reframing work
Several participants were struck by the concept of redefining many aspects of work, from reevaluating the 40-hour work week to developing portable benefits packages, in order to make work environments more attractive to older adults and thereby gain the advantages of their talents and experience.
- Work week broken into unit [e.g., 10-hour work units vs. the 40-hour week] makes sense.
- Flexibility of time - working on projects (instead of "A Job").
- People shouldn't be required to retire from any job providing they are productive.
Get galvanized
Quoting Abigail Trafford's advice to "be a doer not a drifter," attendees voiced the importance of not only staying active but also dreaming.
- Keep on living - don't let life stop.
- Age as such is not the determining factor about activities.
- There are numerous kinds of activities and seniors can make a lot of choices.
Take care of yourself
Citing issues ranging from loss of identity to depression, dialogue participants echoed Trafford's comments about the role of self care for older adults.
- Once you retire, your job title is gone. Feel a loss of identity.
- Changing attitudes: you are not your job.
- Take care of yourself - recognize illness that limits.
- Watch for depression - both men and women.
- Turn stress into challenge, then turn challenge into opportunity
- Friendships matter to health.
- Families are more mobile so maintaining friendships is crucial.
- Men's health issues and depression - a need for men to be involved in meaningful activities.
Challenges for the Community
Asked about changes needed in the community to help adults make the most of their bonus years, forum participants offered a variety of suggestions, with key themes ranging from improving transportation options to creating more volunteer opportunities.
- Create opportunities for seniors to use their talents - be sure to get these opportunities well advertised.
- Senior millage issue - be sure we expand and keep opportunities, especially for low-income seniors.
- Market what is already in existence.
- Focus on providing opportunities to share experience and wisdom.